Keep reading to learn more about our commitment to sustainability within our four focus areas: Safety, Environment, People & Products
Central Pre-Mix and Inland Asphalt Co. strives to assure the safety and wellbeing of each employee across all departments. Our safety priorities include eliminating serious harm, becoming a learning organization, and cultivating an employee-driven safety culture.
To meet these goals, we incorporate various safety trainings and best practices, such as, Human Performance Trainings, ITCPs/Subcontractor Safety, See Stop Do Day, Risk Assessments (TRACK), Smith System Defensive Driving Training, and many other safety campaigns.
Safety Stories
At Central Pre-Mix and Inland Asphalt Co., we recognize our role in maintaining a healthy environment. Some of our initiatives include, optimizing our trucking routes, site reclamation, water conservation, electrifying our aggregate plants, and providing Environmental Product Declarations for our ready-mix products.
- EPDs are a third-party verified document comprising of the environmental impacts of a given product. They are crucial tools to promote accountability and collaboration with our customers to help reduce our environmental footprint.
Environmental Stories
At Central Pre-Mix and Inland Asphalt Co., we believe in empowering our employees, providing them with needed support and resources, and maintaining our long-standing relationships with various community organizations and associations.
We are also actively working to expand further into Inclusion and Diversity by leveraging new recruiting pipelines within our community, such as LGBTQIA2S+ programs, Second Chance (helping previously incarcerated individuals), Military Job Match, and Agricultural Education programs.
People Stories
At Central Pre-Mix & Inland Asphalt Co., we aim for excellence in delivering customers quality products with a minimal environmental impact. That is why our operations include the following initiatives:
- Recycling asphalt
- Recycling crushed concrete
- Utilized leftover ready-mix concrete to form ecological blocks
- Incorporated Warm-Mix Technology in our concrete mixes
- Optimized trucking routes to reduce emissions, waste, and time